Introducing Tupplur!
It is our pleasure to introduce to the world, Tupplur! - Silent Phone Numbers for Entrepreneurs!
The idea for Tupplur was born out of recognition that for entrepreneurs time is money and time spent receiving unwanted phone calls is wasted. So we built Tupplur ...
Tupplur is a simple service that has 3 core features:
- A virtual phone number that allows you to avoid unwanted SMS and Phone Calls
- Enjoy the silence while Tupplur handles incoming SMS and Phone Calls.
- Choose how often you review contact attempts. Eg. Daily or Never.
We are opening up the service to 50 beta testers who will receive a Swedish number
they can use for 12 months 100% free. The costs for Tupplur after this time will be 500kr per year
which will include one Swedish phone number and the full Tupplur feature set.
If you are interested in using this service or finding out a little bit more
information please get in touch.
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