Alpha feedback
46elks wants to thank all of its alpha users who have registered so far. We have received very good feedback about the platform and some feature requests. Like many other startups we are working really hard to reach our milestones and provide more functionality and features into the platform.
We are scrutinizing our different feedback channels which are through email, blog comments, twitter and even a dedicated SMS channel so you can send us your feedback in format of short messages as well. As an example, we encourage you to read an awesome well written post from one of our alpha enthusiasm.
Thank you Fredrik for your blog post about the 46elks platform:
Remember when you write about 46elks, always inform us via email, blog post comment or on twitter so we can cover that in our social networking channels.
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Har du tankar eller feedback på vad du just läst? Vi är alltid öppna för diskussioner och vill gärna höra dina åsikter!
Skriv en kommentar för att komma i kontakt med oss 👋🏼